Hydrogen Water

Numerous health benefits to drinking, inhaling and bathing in molecular
hydrogen water.

The major benefits of Molecular Hydrogen Water are substantiated by over 1,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies. These studies suggest that there are numerous health benefits to drinking, inhaling and bathing in molecular hydrogen water.

The findings include the therapeutic effects of molecular hydrogen water being antioxidant, aerobic, antibacterial, restorative to pH balance, and absorption. The studies show that Hydration produces antioxidants at a higher density than any food or nutritional supplement. It produces more stable oxygen, which increases mental alertness and energizes the body. It removes harmful bacteria from the digestive tract and aids in cellular metabolism. It increases the body’s hydration 6 times higher than regular tap water aiding all metabolic cellular functions. Hydrogen water has also been shown to increase the immune system function.

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